Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Overnight in Siena

On the 23rd of January, three friends and I went to Siena for the night. We had a HILARIOUS overnight in this gorgeous city. I loved Siena and how it reminded me so much of San Francisco; the steep hills and colorful buildings.

When we arrived, we walked to the heart of town and met up with Jax, Emma's best friend from home who was studying in Siena for two weeks before moving to Florence for the semester. We had a nice lunch in the square and then looked for a place to stay.

The hilarity started when we checked into our hotel and discovered that it resembled a preschool. Our room was right off of the lobby and was large, had one huge florescent hanging light fixture, and was painted yellow. I guessed th
at the room used to be some sort of lounge for the hotel and was renovated into a room later for more guests. We dropped off our gear and headed out to do some touristy things. We walked around and saw the sights and even climbed up a tower and got some great views of Siena.

We had a fun, and crazy, night out and woke up at 10:55 to a phone call from the receptionist. All she said was "Check out, at eleven?" Kate took the call, and promptly jumped up and woke us all up. We got ready within 5 minutes and literally ran out of the hotel. I have never laughed so hard.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Chiavari and Monterosso

Our second week here, my roommates met an American couple named Scott and Donna at a restaurant one fateful night. They all began talking, one thing led to another, and my friends ended the night with an invitation from Donna for all of us to go stay with them in their vacation spot in Chiavari. They were on vacation in Italy for a week or two, and during this time, they were staying at an adorable house near the sea. Honestly, I was a little hesitant to go, being the only person who didn't meet them before we went, and also being the one with the wildest imagination, imagining wicked scenarios and cliche, traveling horror stories (I was almost positive we would be sold for $10k a head). But, I trusted my friends' judgments and so we packed up our backpacks and headed to Chiavari.

We arrived to a welcoming, generous couple who absolutely SPOILEd us. We had the best time talking, drinking, exploring, and eating with these two. We had many laughs as we went to Cinque Terre and explored Monterosso (the path was closed...need to go back and see the rest!!!) and we even ice skated one night in Chiavari...haha, hilarious.

While in Monterosso, we hiked, climbed into an aging World War II bunker built into the cliffside, explored a creepy cemetery atop the mountain, and had a blast walking around the quaint, perfect little beach town.

We were so fortunate to have such an awesome weekend. Scott and Donna were more than welcoming and gracious, we couldn't have asked for a better trip. It was so nice to be in the comfort of parents after a tough week of adjusting to Florentine life. It was a wonderful, relaxing trip. So much fun!

Thank you Scott and Donna for the amazing weekend!!!!!!!! We love you!!!!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Buon San Valentino!

Today is Valentine's day...ugh.

Yesterday, I was in Verona with my friend Kristi, visiting Giovannino.

We had an AMAZING time seeing the city and hanging with one of my favorite cucigni. But, the theme of Verona was "Verona in Love". Everywhere I turned, hearts were hanging from the buildings, lovers were canoodling on the ponte vecchio, and babies, babies, babies were everywhere. I must have seen 500 babies in adorable, chic strollers...yes, there is such a thing.

I was so annoyed/looking SO HARD for my soul mate. Whatever, it was totally fine that I didn't find him....i'm fine. FINE.

But now I have to get back to a paper on Neo-realism for my modern Italian cinema class. Yay 2000-2500 words!

Happy Valentine's day everyone!
or as we say in Italia, BUON SAN VELENTINO!

First Post!

I have officially been in Firenze for one month and a week. (Arrived January 7th, 2010)

I have also slacked on the blogging

This is partly do to the fact that I do not have time to blog, but also because my apartment doesn't have internet. With this being, I have a lot to post!

As I sit with my roommate Emma in a trendy restaurant using their internet...I prepare to think back on the previous month and try best to correctly retell all of my Florence adventures...well, maybe not all of them.